Download sources GNUstep (stable or unstable) to compile; Dependencies First you need to check dependencies in ubuntu and install with sudo apt-get or search before with apt-cache command; almost every package ends with *-dev in ubuntu repositories this command will install all dependencies for compile: ~$ sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcairo2-dev libxt-dev GNUstep Make compiling GNUstep make is our first target; it's the primary package to compile GNUstep applications. get the package, untar and change into the folder and compile: ~$wget ~$tar xzvf gnustep-make-2.4.0.tar.gz ~$cd gnustep-make-2.4.0/ ~$./configure --prefix=/usr/local/GNUstep/ --enable-native-objc-exceptions ~$make ~$sudo make -E install *NOTE: the options /usr/local/GNUstep/ is the folder where all the GNUstep is going to install. the second option --enable-native-objc-exceptions enable th...
Ubuntu, Linux, SharePoint